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11th Corps, 2nd Division, 1st Brigade
Army USA
Corps 11
Division 2
Brigade 1
Commander Col. Charles R. Coster
Location Coster Avenue, the Brickyard
Col. Charles R. Coster
134th 154th NewYork
27th 73D Pennsylvania Infantry

July 1. Arrived about 2 P. M. and went into position on Cemetery Hill supporting Battery I 1st New York. Skirmishers occupying a church and near by house. Advanced about 3.30 P. M. through the town and faced to the right and intercepted the advance of Brig. Gen. Hays's and Brig. Gen. Hoke's Brigades Major Gen. Early's Division they moving toward town in rear of First Division Eleventh Corps and held them from the line of retreat of that Division to Cemetery Hill. Retired to East Cemetery Hill about 4.30 P. M. and resumed former position on the right of Second Brigade with Third Division on the right.

July 2. In same position during the day under fire of artillery and sharpshooters. At 8 P. M. Brig. Gen. Hays's Brigade charged the position and was repulsed with heavy loss. The 27th Penna. bore a conspicuous part in repelling this attack. Battery I 1st New York was temporarily captured but was immediately recovered.

July 3. Not actively engaged.

Casualties Killed 3 Officers 53 Men Wounded 8 Officers 220 Men Captured or Missing 12 Officers 301 Men Total 597

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