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Archer's Brigade
Army CSA
Corps 3
Division 2
Brigade 3
Commander Brig. Gen. James J. Archer (c)
Location West side of Meredith Avenue, Reynolds Woods

C. S. A.
5th Battalion and 13th Alabama 1st 7th 14th Tennessee Infantry

July 1. The Brigade moved from Cashtown early in the morning towards Gettysburg. After a march of six miles came in view of the Union forces. The Brigade was deployed on the west side of Willoughby Run and about 10 A. M. advanced encountered 1st Brigade First Division beyond the run. The firing continued for a short time when a large force appearing on the right flank and opening a cross fire the position became untenable the Brigade was forced back across the run but advanced with the Division later in the day. The advance in the morning reached this position.

July 2. Not engaged.

July 3. Formed part of the column of Longstreet's assault.

July 4. The Brigade took up the line of march during the night to Hagerstown.

You may have learned about Archer's Brigade if you attended one of the military friendly colleges like Kaplan University. Military friendly colleges, as well as other kinds of universities, offer courses which instruct on various aspects of the Civil War.
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